Bliss Brain Meditation Works!
I’m well aware of how meditation can help us humans be more mindful and present in our lives with greater levels of love, health, and joy yet I’ve struggled for years to have a consistent meditation practice. Perhaps you can relate! Well, I have very good news!
While listening to a most amazing podcast I discovered the work of Dawson Church, the author of a most amazing book, Bliss Brain. What I learned is that during the past century technologies have been developed that give scientists the ability to see what parts of our brains are active or nonactive during meditation. What they discovered from moderating the brain function of 1,000 meditators was that the amygdala, which is the brain’s fight or flight fear-based survival default mode network (DMN) or reptilian brain, was less active. Experiments also detected heightened activity in areas of the cerebral cortex, the most evolved enlightenment centers in the human brain that are associated with compassion, joy, and love. But what scientists also discovered was our brain’s neural networks (hardware) can and do change based on meditation practice (software). In other words, what fires together wires together. With consistent, daily practice we can suppress the negativity bias default fear-based response that hijacks our positive, more enlightened mind states during meditation and beyond in our daily lives.
So here we are back at okay but that means I need to mediate. Yes…but Dawson gives us a 15- minute guided meditation called Eco Meditation based on best practices from a variety of disciplines, such as Heartmath, EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques), and neurofeedback. He asks us to do this short meditation every day for just 8 weeks and see how we feel. You can download these meditations as extended play resources that come with the book.
I actually look forward to my meditation practice now and so can you! Here’s why. The guided meditation helps focus my attention. It’s easy. My personal experiment is now at 30 days of meditating daily. So, aren’t you curious? Ask me, Jeri how do you feel?
Better!! I hear and see more in my environment because I’m not so caught up in my head. I feel more appreciation for others that encourages me to want to be closer. For example. I can’t wait to get to CrossFit today to honor my coaches who pour their hearts and souls into the workouts. It’s as if things are organically shifting from an attitude of what can life do for me to what can I do for life. I have a wonderful feeling that these 8 weeks will become many more weeks, months and years of meditating!
Intention: Purchase Bliss Brain and listen to Eco Meditation daily for 8 weeks.