Love, Forgive, Heal


I ask, how can we continue to grow in love and know the vast benefits love creates in our lives?  I recommend a very important documentary on Netflix called Heal. I resonated with a profound message from Michael Beckwith that expresses how we can heal ourselves from emotional and physical dis-ease by realizing that anger, judgment, disappointment, etc. are only hurting us. Meaning if we hold on to stressful thinking we cause our own ill health on all levels: body, mind, and spirit. Every authentic spiritual path talks about forgiveness. One very real benefit to forgiveness is making peace with yourself to live more with ease and clarity for the possibilities of living more from love.

Intention: Take a moment to feel into an angry, judging thought you have about someone.  Breath in to the thought and recognize that it is just a thought. Make a choice to let it go and be free, to grow in love.

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