True Self Manifesto
after all of the being a viticim blaming my father for not being who i expected, i let go and loved my father for who he was. but what he was lifted me to new heights and that was completely unexpected. I would have missed that if i stayed in fear and judging.
I formed untrue stories and beliefs about myself and others in childhood, yet at such a young age I was not able to understand such complexities or to trust that I had a voice and the ability with my own inner power to create and manifest my true self.
I conformed. I survived the best way I knew how which meant that I learned how to deny my feelings, think that I didn’t matter, hid from hurts by pushing them away, didn’t speak up, glossed over things with ‘Oh it’s okay’ when it wasn’t, tried to be loved and fit in by pleasing others. Unaware for years, I made choices that identified me with these coping strategies. I, in essence and without awareness, have been creating everything in my life from this limited and distorted perspective. I have been living under-realized. When the stars haven’t lined up, I haven’t really understood why.
Unless I make the commitment to enliven, heal, and trust my sacred, powerful self I will not be able to live the life that is available to me. Unless I realize that life is not happening to me, but rather for me generated from my own consciousness, I will be a victim.
With this awareness I have the potential to align with a deeper truth that guides me to manifesting more of what is right for me. I’m not waiting or expecting others to notice me. I realize that it is my responsibility to be visible to live my full and complete potential. I am learning how to show up as myself and for myself. I know that when I shift, everything else begins to reorganize to help me know my magnificence.